The Hans Foundation USA: Strengthening Education Ecosystem in Tribal Communities, 2023-2026
Strengthening Education ecosystem in rural and tribal villages for ensuring continuities and quality education to 4,580 children of age group 6 to 14 years from 21 government schools in 17 villages of southern Rajasthan.
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Oracle: Addressing Malnutrition through Integrated Early Childhood Care & Income Enhancement through Livelihoods, Apr 2023 - Feb 2024
Enhance the nutritional status of the children through improvement in food practices among 8,000 children and Improve childcare practices and knowledge of 6,000 caregivers through Integrated Childhood care and improve the knowledge and economic well-being of 400 Households through Income Enhancement through livelihoods from 110 villages from south Rajasthan.
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NewSpace India Limited: Prevention and Reduction of Malnourishment in rural and tribal villages of South Rajasthan, 2023-2024
Preventing and reducing malnourishment in 10 villages of Gogunda block, Udaipur district, Rajasthan benefitting 800 children with early child care services, awareness of 600 mothers on issues of health and nutrition.
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Sneha and Sanaa Foundation: Empowering Women in marginalized Communities in South Rajasthan, 2023-2024
Improving women’s social status by creating spaces for 1,200 women directly and indirectly 5,000 people indirectly from 10 villages of south Rajasthan and enabling them to raise and address issues of gender-based discrimination and violence.
CRISIL Foundation: Improving access to drinking water in rural and tribal areas of south Rajasthan, Sept 2023- Dec 2023
Improving access to drinking water, enhance water management practices and promote improved access to safe drinking water in 2 villages in the Udaipur district of southern Rajasthan.
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Jameel CSR Limited: Empowering Youth through Sports Life Skills, 2023-2025
Enhancing understanding of life and social skills among 6,000 adolescents and young people of 12 -18 years of age in 60 rural and tribal villages of southern Rajasthan.
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FIFA Foundation for Community Development: Investing in Transforming Futures for Young People, Feb 2022-Dec 2023 (1st and 2nd Division)
Supporting 300 young and adolescents directly and 2,500 indirectly through football and building capacities on life skills, sexual and reproductive health, and financial and digital literacy in rural and remote villages of south Rajasthan.
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Afshan & Barac Bieri–Stiftung: Ensuring Early Childcare and Education Through Full-Day Balwadis, 2019-2024
Supporting the overall development of children and preparing them for school, while improving their health and well-being through the running of 2 Balwadis. See Early Childcare and Development.
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ASHA for Education: Supporting the Education of Rural Children in Southern Rajasthan, 2020-2024
Supporting the education of rural and tribal children aged 6–14 through our Residential Learning Camp (RLC) and 30 Shiksha Kendras. See Education.
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A.T.E. Chandra Foundation: De-Siltation of Water Bodies for Enhancing Farm Productivity, 2020
De-silting and rejuvinating the water holding or recharge capcity of three water bodies in Rajsamand district to improve and enhance farming productivity. See Rural Livelihoods.
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Axis Bank Foundation: Rural Livelihoods Project, 2019–2024
Improving the livelihoods of rural communities and empowering women to become financially independent and secure by enhancing the natural resource base, improving agricultural production techniques and strengthening women’s and community institutions. In total, 30,000 households will have their livelihoods improved through this partnership. See Rural Livelihoods.
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Bajaj Holding and Investment: Addressing Malnutrition Through Early Childhood Care in Rural Udaipur, 2019–2022
Promoting and providing healthcare and preventative healthcare to 1,500 children aged 0–5 years and 1,200 women. See Combating Malnutrition.
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Basic Healthcare Services (BHS): Supporting a Rural Health Clinic in Udaipur District, Ongoing
Partnering with BHS to support the Seva Mandir–AMRIT Clinic, providing access to quality healthcare in rural southern Rajasthan. See Combating Malnutrition.
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Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World)
Offering untied (or non-project linked) financial support to Seva Mandir’s central fund, allowing us to fund our full range of programmes according to need.
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Capri Global Capital Limited: Women Empowerment through Gender Equality and Financial Literacy, 2020-2021
The project involves expanding and strengthening work on addressing discrimination and violence against women and improving the financial and digital literacy of women. The project is helping 4,500 women directly in improving their lives and indirectly benefiting around 18,000 families The project activities include forming and strengthening women's collectives, enhancing capacities of women on financial and digital literacy and creating mechanisms like Women's Resource Centres to ensure support to women facing domestic abuse and/or discrimination. See Empowering Women.
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Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB): Supporting Seva Mandir’s Women’s Shelter, Ongoing
Supporting Seva Mandir’s Shelter for women who are victims of physical and/or psychological abuse. See Empowering Women.
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Charities Aid Foundation: Ongoing
CAF supports Seva Mandir by assessing, monitoring and evaluating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects for various funders.
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Childline India Foundation: Ongoing
Childline India Foundation gives children in rural and tribal communities the ability to access a 24/7 tele-helpline through which they can request help from a local volunteer. Seva Mandir is currently facilitating two Childline India Foundation centres – one in Udaipur city and one in the rural and tribal area of Jhadol.
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Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd: Empowering Women Through Income Enhancement, 2018-2022
Empowering women through agricultural income-generating activities and water resource augmentation. The project is helping 178 women to raise livestock and grow flowers as a means to increase their income, as well as restoring and constructing water infrastructure and distributing filters. Furthermore, 13 Self-Help Groups (SHGs) have been created to further empower women and ensure their financial security. See Empowering Women and Rural Livelihoods.
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Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd: Scholarship Programme, 2016 – Ongoing
Providing full scholarships to 50 children from rural and tribal communities for higher-secondary education (9th–12th Grade) at Vidya Bhawan Senior Secondary School in Udaipur. See Education.
DMart: Supporting the Education of Children in Poor Tribal Communities in Rajasthan, 2018-2021
Supporting 35 children from rural and tribal communities who are living in poverty and who have either dropped out of school or have never been, by enabling them to attend our Residential Learning Camp. See Education.
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General Insurance Company (GIC): Supporting Infrastructural Repair and Construction at Kaya Camp, 2020-21
Funding the repair and construction of Seva Mandir's Kaya Camp to expand and improve the camp's functionality and facilities.
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Give Foundation
The Give Foundation runs one of the biggest fundraising websites in India, ‘Give India’, and Seva Mandir has a number of projects active on the platform. The Give Foundation also connects organisations with corporate funders and with employee giving schemes. Seva Mandir has been fully vetted and assessed by the Give Foundation.
To donate to Seva Mandir via Give India, click here.
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GlobalGiving is one of the world’s largest fundraising websites for charities, NGOs and Not-For-Profit organisations. Seva Mandir has a number of projects active on the platform and is currently ranked as one of the top organisations on GlobalGiving out of more than 5,000. We have received the following accolades from GlobalGiving for 2019: Staff Favourite, Top-Ranked, Effective Organisation, Site Visit Verified and Vetted Organisation.
To donate to Seva Mandir via GlobalGiving, click here.
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HDFC Parivartan: Holistic Rural Development Program in Khamnor Cluster, 2020-2021
To improve the lives of people in Khamnor cluster by increasing farm income levels, enhance quality of education and strengthening community institutions. See Rural Livelihoods, Education and Sustainable Development.
Health Products For You: Supporting the Education of Rural Children in southern Rajasthan, 2019-2021
Supporting the education of children from a rural and tribal community through a Shiksha Kendra. See Education.
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Hindustan Zinc Ltd: Khushi 2.0, 2020-2025
Monitoring, assessing and building the quality of government Anganwadis in rural southern Rajasthan. It is often the case that the government Anganwadis are not able to provide quality education, if any education at all, due to staff absenteeism, lack of funding and lack of maintenance. Seva Mandir, in partnership with Hindustan Zinc Ltd, monitors the regular attendance of teachers through a camera-monitoring system also used in Seva Mandir’s Balwadis, implements malnutrition prevention methods, and works to increase the cognitive and learning ability of the Anganwadis’ children. This partnership is reaching over 30,075 (3-6 Years Old) children in 1,355 Anganwadis in southern Rajasthan. See Early Childcare and Development.
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ICRA Limited: The Primary Education of Out-of-School children through Residential Learning Camps, 2018–2021
Providing 100 out-of-school children from rural tribal communities with a quality primary education through our Residential Learning Camp (RLC). See Education.
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InterGlobe Foundation: Waste Management in Peri-Urban Settlements, 2020-2022
In Kelwara, this project is implementing a waste management system for the growing peri-urban settlement, through the provision of a waste site, a team of local cleaners and a waste collection system. See Peri-urban Governance.
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JK Tyre & Industries Limited: Socio-Economic Development of Rural Communities through an Integrated Approach, 2018–2021
Delivering an integrated development project to improve the socio-economic status of women and providing clean drinking water to 24 village communities reaching more than 3,700 people. This project is developing Self-Help Groups (SHGs), constructing water tanks and restoring wells. See Empowering Women and WASH.
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Larsen and Toubro: Integrated Community Development Project, 2015–2024
Improving the status of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), maternal and early child health, and education, alongside increasing livelihoods security of 24 resource-poor communities southern Rajasthan. The project reaches 21,000 people and is restoring 3,300 hectares of land through watershed development. See WASH, Early Childcare and Development, Education and Strengthening Rural Livelihoods.
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Mahindra & Mahindra: Supporting Education for Rural Children in Southern Rajasthan, 2020-2021
Supporting the education of 800 children from rural and tribal communities through 28 Shiksha Kendras. See Education.
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MakeMyTrip: Offsetting Carbon Footprints through Afforestation, 2008-2019/2019-2024
Implementing an afforestation project that has regenerated the local ecology through the planting of over 1 million trees. Water resource infrastructure has been constructed as part of this project, which has increased the availability of water for human and agricultural use in an area prone to long droughts. The land now provides food, fuel and fodder needed in everyday agricultural and village life.
MMT and Seva Mandir have extended their partnership for an additional five years to plant 200,000 more trees that will benefit approximately 6,000 families, whilst giving the potential to absorb 15,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere per year.
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OakNorth Global: Ensuring Childcare Through Full-Day Balwadis, 2019–2022
Supporting the overall development of 900 children and preparing them for school, while improving their health and well-being through the running of 36 Balwadis. See Early Childcare and Development.
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Oracle: Prevention and Reduction of Malnutrition Amongst Children, 2018-2019
Preventing and reducing malnutrition in 1,500 children up to five years of age. The project utilises UNICEF’s ‘1,000 days’ approach, which aims to ensure that children receive the necessary healthcare and nutrition during the most crucial stages of their development. Balsakhis work with pregnant women and new mothers, delivering antenatal and postnatal care in the home. Furthermore, Balwadis are supported in this project to provide a preschool education, nutritious food and a safe environment for children. See Combating Malnutrition and Early Childcare and Development.
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Plan International: Child Representative Programme, 1999-2025
Giving children aged 3-18 the ability to have a say in their community’s development. Seva Mandir’s Bal Pratinidhi Programme (BPP) covers 132 villages, with over 5,000 ‘Child Representatives’ (CRs) participating. CRs meet in child-only forums called Bal Manchs to discuss community and development issues, from sanitation to child-trafficking, from access to clean drinking water to education. One girl and one boy CR are nominated by their forum to represent the CRs in the Gram Vikas Committee meetings to ensure that their voices are heard, and their concerns can be acted upon.
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Plan India
Offering untied (or non-project linked) financial support to Seva Mandir’s central fund, allowing us to fund our full range of programmes according to need.
Rafe Bullick Foundation
The Rafe Bullick Foundation provides scholarships to students from the University of Edinburgh (UoE), Scotland, to work with Seva Mandir, and for Indian students to study at the UoE. The foundation was set up in memory of an influential and passionate Seva Mandir colleague, volunteer, and long-term supporter, Rafe Bullick.
Rafe Bullick Foundation
Royal Bank of Scotland Foundation India (RBS Foundation India): Supporting Enterprises in Kotra and Majam, 2015–2022
Enabling the treatment of 1,400 hectares of land through soil and water conservation activities for water security, and enhancing the livelihoods of over 3,800 rural and tribal households through income-generation activities. See Rural Livelihoods.
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SBI Foundation: Protecting and enhancing common-land biodiversity and mitigating climate-change in Rajasthan utilising tree plantation. Implementing an afforestation project that has regenerated the local ecology through the planting of saplings. 10,000 tree saplings of indigenous flora will be planted in rural and tribal areas. Soil and water conservation activities will also be undertaken as part of this project. The project is relevant to achieving conservation of local biodiversity and initiating natural regeneration process and local ecological restorations on denuded and degraded land.
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SSA Infosystems Private Ltd: 2018-2019
Offering untied (or non-project linked) financial support to Seva Mandir’s central fund, allowing us to fund our full range of programmes according to need.
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Yatra Foundation: Supporting the Education of Rural Children in Southern Rajasthan, 2018–2021
Supporting the education of 750 children from rural and tribal communities through 20 Shiksha Kendras. Funding 5,000 school bags for students at our Shiksha Kendras. See Education.
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